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    09:05 PM Jul 26


We are very pleased to bring you DAE YER ANE SAMPLER II for free/pay-what-you-want download. DYAS II features 18 tracks of DIY goodness featuring songs from our forthcoming and recent releases from across the last 18 months.


[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2937534445 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]


Thanks to all the awesome artists we’ve had the pleasure of working with over the last couple of years; Pmx, Get It Together, The Fur Coats, Jaroen, Billy Liar, Stonethrower, Franz Nicolay, Stöj Snak, Maxwell’s Dead, UNIFORMS, Kaddish, Broken Stories, Sink Alaska, Lachance, Tim Loud, SHITGRIPPER, Tragical History Tour and Bonehouse.

Thank you to everyone who continues to support MTAT and the DIY community worldwide.

Please enjoy and spread the good word!



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